Ringing in 2013 Down Under
I’ve tried to write multiple times but I have been having trouble sharing what’s going on with my brainhead.
One day I’m loving Oz, all my new friends, and the beautiful people of this country and the next I’m so down I’m crying and thinking of coming home.
Christmas was hard to be away but we made the most of it. Loren’s mom invited us to their Christmas Eve barbie and even got us each a gift. Food was wonderful as well as the company. The next day us Americans cooked a brunch feast and got drunk on mimosas. Later we met our Israeli friend Yotam for a few beers in the city and I stayed up to Skype my family’s Christmas brunch. Everyone enjoyed their gifts from India and they had a good time putting bindis on each others heads.
New Year’s Eve the four of us went to a burlesque show where we made new friends, danced on the stage, and laughed a ton. My night ended when I chose to skol Jameson straight while playing drinking games at a friend’s house. Needless to say New Year’s Day was a wash.
Since the holidays began all the getting our shit together was put on hold and excessive drinking, hanging by the pool, and enjoying the sun took over. So many mornings I woke up in pain from the previous night feeling guilty about my lack of responsibility yet give me a few hours and another beer would be in my hand. I chalk up the time as vacation or holidays as they say.
I did acquire another job bartending at a popular pub called Lucky Coq. It’s a chill place and more my style than Star Bar but I’m still keeping that gig. I’ve thought a lot about escaping this city, going to pick fruit, or joining a friend doing festival work (which sadly fell through) but I’ve finally decided to stick it out in Melbourne for a few months. Charlie and Brad are getting an apartment and Katy is unsure what she’s doing so I went ahead and found a cheap house share within walking distance of my job. It’s in a great location and dangerously close to great shopping and restaurants and although I’m super sad to leave this house my commute from here is dreadful and I can’t afford taking cabs home after every late night shift. So later this week I’ll be moving in to a small apartment with Joan (from Melbourne who keeps calling me Vikki), his Taiwanese gf, and another guy.
My room is a makeshift bedroom in the living room, has a double bed, dresser, and for only $100/week it's in one of the most expensive areas in the cities that's just a 20min walk to work. I’ve had some insane dreams and slightly nervous to move in with randoms but this trip is all about experiencing new things so bring on the randos. I’ll keep ya updated on how it goes.
Missing you all more and more each day,
all my love, Tor
More lingo:
trackies = sweats
Arvo = afternoon
Breaky = breakfast
Bottle shop = liquor store
Heaps of = a lot
offaces= Facebook
The Mrs. = girlfriend
Chewie = gum
Blind = shitfaced
Boot = trunk
Fringe = bangs
Dunny = bathroom
Blokes= guys
Sepo as in septic tank = Americans
Kiwis = New Zealanders
TA = thank you (my least favorite)
I’ll shout you = I got your drink, food, etc
And they add ie to just about everything.
I reckon, I’m keen, and Oi have been added to my vocab. How you going and cheers come out naturally though thankfully increasing my pitch at the end of every sentence has yet to commence.